One God Became Man Do You know who he is?

           Many came into this world to become gods and to become famous they distributed knowledge and philosophy among society and human beings.

     But one God came from heaven to become a man and to save us from our sins and sacrificed his life for others.

       Is there anyone else who can give their life to others?

Do you know who he is? Have you ever tried to know him?

Let me tell you, my dear friends, it is ‘Jesus Christ ‘ who gave his life on the cross of Calvary for you and me. So that you may have eternal life in heaven.

Do you like to give your life to Jesus? How great a sinner you are no matter the blood of Jesus Christ is enough to clean you from your all sins…..

     Prayer with me ..

Dear God, I thank you for coming to save me from my sins. I know that no one can forgive my sins but Jesus Christ, I confess that I am a sinner i need you to come into life in Jesus’ name I pray …….Amen…


They don’t quit because they have a lack of faith in God. They don’t quit because they don’t believe in the calling God has placed on their life.  Most don’t even quit because of financial reasons.

Pastors quit because they are overwhelmed with mental exhaustion.

Until you’re a Pastor you’ll never fully understand what it’s like to carry spiritual burdens for people getting up in the middle of the night, praying for your family of faith, awakening in the middle of the night with someone in your heart, overwhelmed with concern by a person’s absence or distance.

His mind is continually occupied with the presentation of the upcoming Sunday message – how to preach it, what to teach how to apply it.

He is getting critiqued continually being told you need to do better or that some areas of the church simply need to be better.

PASTORS:  invest their whole life into people and yet people will turn their backs on their pastor at the first sign of a storm, usually without a conversation.

PASTORS: stand in the middle of disputes.

PASTORS  stand in the middle of gossip.

PASTORS:  counsel marital conflicts or broken marriages.

PASTORS  comfort those who have suffered a loss.

PASTORS  navigate the waters of imperfect people with a desire to see each one thrive in their faith. They long for spiritual breakthroughs.

PASTOR  craves the very best for you. All of this, while trying to battle their flesh and grow in their relationship with God.

PASTORS  see the posts.

PASTORS  hear the whispers.

PASTORS endure the negativity.

PASTORS are continually caring for the sheep while fending off the wolves.

PASTORS:  pour out and pour out – rarely being poured into.

What keeps a faithful Pastor going?

Primarily, his motivation not to quit comes from the love of Christ, the guarantee of our body’s resurrection, and the day of reckoning at the Judgement Seat of Christ… 2 Cor. 5:1-21

Secondly, it is YOU…

YOU – the genuinely hungry person.

YOU – the person who worships with passion and freedom. You – the teenager who is striving to be a follower of Jesus.

YOU – the single mom who understands the beauty of the hope found in Christ.

YOU – the one who walks through the door for the first time because you’re in search of peace, hope, and community.

Pray for your Pastor.

Pray for his wife.

Pray for his children.

Serve with your Pastor.

Talk with your Pastor.

Appreciate your Pastor.

Encourage your Pastor.

They are human.

They need you more


F.T.S. LAGECY (A small history of FTS)

The Day to Remember; Place which cannot forget
People who create memories with love and joy
Who faces sorrow and pain in Christ?
Making ourselves perfect in Christ.
The legacy started in the 1970s as a Bible seminary
Founded by the late Rev. Dr. T. G. Koshy
Even though, he is not with us now
Still alive is the legacy of the Christian children
Who will forget the F.T.S LEGACY?
Sending thousands of ministers over the globe
The motto encouraged the hope in Christ,
“Perfecting to make perfect in Christ”.
It is the place that we used to love and happy
It is the place that we dream of, God’s Kingdom
It is the place that we used to humble ourselves;
It is the place where we are born again.
2023-2024 sessions most memorable,
“Here am I; Send me,” is the academic theme.
Specific call from almighty God
Qualifying themselves to God’s Will.

       Written by: Venyan Z.M. Marak BD-3 FTS


    In this world, people are categorised into religion, caste, society, culture, faith, practices, etc. Even though there are several categories in our society like some are from  upper class , middle class and economically weaker section, Educated and uneducated and so many more and none of us would ever want any kind of crisis in our life but the Holy Scripture says (John:16:33) in this world you will have a crisis.

Crisis is an essential part of our life and we can never neglect it. From 2019 we all have been living in a crisis, if we see around us the whole world is facing a huge crisis of Deadly “Coronavirus” (Covid-19). The whole world has been affected by covid, some lost their lives, many migrant workers lost their jobs which affected them both mentally and physically, their lives were hopeless there was no one to give them hope. They were worried about how they will be rescued from the crisis they had no food to eat, no income as the whole  nation was in the complete lockdown, their survival was at stake and as a result of this situation many families committed suicide and finished their life on this Earth. Crisis it is not a small thing it is very difficult to overcome from the situation without any hope.


In Christian life we are called to suffer for Christ but we have to understand why we should suffer and what is a crisis and trouble of our life. In Christian journey we will face many crises in our life as 1. persecution 2. people may hate us 3. sorrow 4. diseases or illness
    In Christian life during a crisis, we should submit our crisis unto the Lord our saviour Jesus Christ as  Bible  says (proverbs:3:5-6)Trust in the Lord with all your heart And also (Matthew:6:31-34) do not worry about future because we do not know what is our future but our God is speaking to us your self to me then I will think of you

   My own life example

    When I wanted to come to the FTS theology to study my BD course at that time I did not have any money and  because I belong to a Hindu background family I couldn’t ask for any money from my parents but I had to pay for college fees, take care of my expenses, etc.
    I was very disappointed and disturbed and it became a huge crisis in my life. I didn’t know what to do. One day me and my mother both prayed for this particular subject- ‘fees’. After finishing our prayer I came out of my house and at that time one message popped into my phone which said someone transferred 54,000 rupees in my bank account. I was very amazed and surprised. So every crisis tries to take us away from our hope which is in God.


     When a crisis comes into our life we forget to remember our god and ask him why this crisis came into our life. Every Christian should have hope of salvation in crisis and in trouble. The Bible says (Romans:8:24)by hope we are saved. In a crisis time there is a hope for eternal life waiting for us and  this-worldly crisis will never end till the last breath of our life.(John 16:33) says But take heart! I have overcome the world.
     We have a great assurance from God. Therefore, my Dear Christ believers don’t be dismayed as our Lord is coming soon, be ready to meet him. And continue praying to God and live as he wants  so that he can accept us and take us to eternal life.
Amen….may god bless all of us…

Writer: Santosh Batra ,BD-3 ,FTS

Victorious life in Jesus Christ

Don’t fear – Press Forward

“Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us agree.”

‭‭- Philippians‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Here we are. Our society has changed. People are staying six feet away (for some, that’s a dream come true), and everyone has a mask and gloves on. People are in major disagreements about everything from politics to conspiracy theories.

Despite all the changes that are happening, don’t draw back in fear. You can move forward in faith. Fear may be all around, but it doesn’t have to control what you do. Don’t allow the fear that is from the enemy to take you down the road of worry and despair.

In times like these, the temptation is to fall back into what’s comfortable and what we know best. I understand the temptation, but don’t let the desire to go back rob you of the future ahead of you as you walk in faith. Your faith is meant to take you to a place that you have never been to before.

Some of you had been working on your goals, dreams, and aspirations before you were met with some type of resistance. You were gaining momentum, and things were going great. However, with all the changes, things have slowed down. That is OK, but don’t allow these temporary setbacks to cause you to fall back.

Growing up we sang this song, “We’ve come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord. Trusting in His holy Word, He’s NEVER failed.” The good news is that you HAVE come this far by faith. Your faith has brought you to where you are today. Do NOT retreat! Do NOT fall back! Press forward to the goals that He called you to.

The situations that come up are NOT a surprise to God. He knew what was ahead. The Word that He gave you is still alive and well.

The Holy Spirit Lives In You

“Little children, you can be certain that you belong to God and have conquered them, for the One who is living in you is far greater than the one who is in the world.”

– 1 John 4:4

You have the Greater One living in you. You have the Helper, Standby, Advocate, and the Spirit of Truth waiting for you to say something. He wants to take the words that you speak from the Word and make them a reality in your life. It is time to speak some things into your life to see the victory that God has for you.

Confession Today

“I will not retreat. I will press forward. No matter what is going on in the world today, I will fulfill God’s plan for my life. The Greater One lives in me and empowers me to do what I can’t do on my own. I walk in victory!



Qodesh, Qodesh
Rings in my ear.
But it does seems strange to my peers

‘Qodesh, Qodesh’
I hear the Lord calling
‘My People, My People, My people’
I hear the Lord calling.

‘Here am I,’ I respond,
Heeding to the call.
But pricked by my conscience
I hear, ‘No thou art not.’

I attend Service
I am modest
I who lead worships
I who visit churches
How am I not Holy?
While reasoning with my thoughts.
I hear the Spirit convicts me.
No, not in thine thoughts,
Words and Actions.
No, not in thine looks,
Dealings and life.
I hear the Spirit convict me.

My heart hardened and responded.
‘But this is how it is,
With everyone around me.’
Instantly scales like something fell upon my eyes.

While I hear ‘Today if ye hear His voice do not hardened thy hearts’
And scales like something covered my eyes.

‘Qodesh, Qodesh,’
I see the Lord on the Throne
‘My People, My People, My people;’
I hear the Lord calling from the Throne.

And I see a multitude approaching,
White in attire,
Ordained in fire,
I see them approaching.

‘Qodesh, Qodesh
Are they all Lord?’
I hear the angel calling
Deep in misery
The angel calling

Once I heard the Lord
Twice I heard him repeating
‘Qodesh, Qodesh
My People, My People, My People’
Gazing over the Multitude
I hear him calling.

I was left dreadful,
Gazing at the multitude.
As nor I neither the ones around me
Were found in the Multitude.

The vision left me shattered,
Were all my wanderings just some scatter?
Doubt swept my heart,
The agony of being left out
Filled my heart.
The agony of being left out
Filled my heart.

‘Qodesh, Qodesh’
I heard the Lord once again calling.
Humbled I, stretched my hands saying,
‘Take thy coal and cleanse me
Here I am, to be Holy, O Lord,
Here I am.’
Confessed I, with weeping
Confessed I, with weeping

Qodesh, Qodesh
Rings in my ears.
But no longer now does it seem
Strange to my ears.

                      writer :Jerrin Sam ,BD 3, FTS

Earnestly Praying to God

‭‭Acts‬ ‭12:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬
So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.

Prayer of Acts: 12:5
We all pray in our daily lives for something for someone or when we need something. There are two distinctive in prayer
a) Constant Prayer.
b) Righteous Prayer
The early Christians were known for their prayer. Jesus started his ministry in prayer and he taught his disciples how to pray for other things.

         So prayer is the oxygen to live with Christ it is impossible to walk with Christ without having a personal relationship with Christ in prayer.
So we pray often many times in different situations where we feel that we can work at the same time we feel prayer cannot do everything it’s true but here we can see the prayer of the early Christian believers praying honestly for Peter to be realized from the prison they couldn’t get Peter. But here we see Peter coming to that place where they were praying knocking at the door but could not believe that it was Peter even though they were praying for Peter to realize from the prison but they did not believe it.

              When we pray honestly for something it seems to be impossible but true or honest prayer can make change impossible to possible. We may not know how it will happen.
Pray always honestly for the perishing soul before Christ returns.

Prayer 🙏🙏

   Dear heavenly Father, we ask you to give us the heart of honesty and sincerity to pray for the impossible things to happen possible in the name of Jesus Christ we do offer this prayer …Amen….

Written by: Santosh Batra, BD- 3, FTS


(‭‭James‬ ‭1:22‭-‬25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ )
22. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24. and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25.But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it they will be blessed in what they do.


As a community of believers, we know that God’s words are powerful. Through one statement in Genesis, ‘let there be light,’ God began creating the world. When God speaks, His words require movement. Are you willing to seek God in prayer, really listen to His voice, and most importantly, move upon His word?

In the Bible there are many stories of God’s people who heard from God and moved upon His word: Noah built the ark that saved his family, Sarah kept faith that she would have a child, and Abraham left for a country he had never seen.

Throughout our lives, we have all witnessed countless people who courageously followed God and moved upon His word. Public Church Lead Pastors “Cameron and Renee Bennett, and location Pastors Isaiah and Renee Simmons” all sought God, listened to His call, and moved upon His word when planting Public Church. They left their friends, families, homes, jobs, cities, states, and the ministries they had built, all to move on God’s word and be obedient to Him. As a community of believers, this is a challenging thought to consider. The Bible gives us commands that require us to move out of our comfort zone. Are you willing to move on to God’s word, no matter the cost?

Moving upon God’s word looks different for everyone. Perhaps it’s deciding to give off tithes and offerings to the church, or forgiving someone who has hurt you. Maybe it’s stepping out in faith and sharing Christ with a loved one, or following relentlessly after a dream God has placed in your heart. For others, it might be seeking new job opportunities or keeping faith that God will provide for your family. Whatever it looks like, God requires you to move upon His word.

Let us be a listener of God’s voice

Be encouraged today that God is speaking to you. He is with You. He knows you intimately and desires the best for your life. Prayer is a two-way communication channel where we speak to God, listen when He speaks, and move upon His word. Let’s be a community of believers who desire to hear and move upon God’s voice!

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that You are faithful in fulfilling Your word. Father, I ask that You help me to not only hear Your voice but to have the courage to follow Your voice, whatever You may ask. Lord, let my heart’s desire come into alignment with Yours. I put my whole faith and trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Written By. Santosh Batra,BD 3,FTS

Fruits of Love a short Poem

‭‭ ( Galatians‬ ‭5:22‭-‬23‬ ‭NIV‬‬ )
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Love is a miraculous treasure
That comes from heaven above
Love is the fruit of the spirit!
It’s what the heart is made up of!
Love is very patient
It will endure until the end
Love is always good and kind
Why sowing peace in the heart of man
Love you rejoices in the truth
It never says its on
Love draws others towards it
It never walks alone!
Love meditate on lovely things
It offers joy and peace
Love rejoices in gentleness
With a patience that won’t cease
Love bears all things, believe all things
Hot things and more…..
Love helps those who are in need
It gives Grace To The lost and the poor
When you walk in the spirit of love
and Live in The spirit too…
God’s ” Love Fruits” From heaven above
Will shower down blessings upon you!

By Tom John BD Orientation Student at Faith Theological seminary Manakala, Kerala.

The humble vs. the haughty

Before destruction, a man’s heart is haughty,

but humility comes before honor.” (Proverbs 18:12)

God exalts the humble. God humbles the haughty. He blesses the humble. He opposes the haughty.

Who are the haughty? What do they look like?

They are self-reliant.

They are self-preoccupied.

They are self-righteous.

They refuse to submit to God.

They don’t have a broken and contrite heart.

They draw attention to themselves.

They are not servants.

They incessantly talk about themselves.

They flout God’s Word.

They are overly critical of others.

They are not thankful people.

They need no one.

Who are the humble? What do they look like?

They are worshippers.

They are Jesus-preoccupied.

They don’t focus on themselves.

They are self-forgetful.

They depend upon the Lord.

They surrender to the Lord.

They obey the Lord.

They don’t look down on others.

They are not self-righteous.

They don’t draw attention to themselves.

They are grateful people.

They don’t care who gets the credit.

They know they need God.

The first group: God will humble them. He is able to do it.

The second group: God will save them, bless them, and honor them.

What about you and me ?

Which group do you belong to?